2005 Rare/Promo

    From Buttonmen Wiki

    Release Date: 2005

    Set Size: 3 Buttons

    Publisher: FAnime Convention

    Designers: Mike Stevens

    Artist: Skunkmonkey (?)

    A three-button set available at the Fanime 2005 promoting the Neko-Machi web comic[1][2] One of the buttons has a link to the Deviantart page of SkunkMonkey, the presumed artist of the buttons.

    The writer and illustrator of Neko-Machi, Ewen Cluney, stated as follows:
    "It's been quite a while since I even thought about the Neko Machi button men,  Mike Stevens, the head of tabletop gaming at Fanime at the time, arranged the whole thing. The Button Men were printed in the FanimeCon program guide that year, and people could come to the tabletop room to get them cut out and turned into buttons. The art was by another artist, and had a more fantastical take on the characters, with Kitty in a sci-fi power suit and Sylvia in a King of Fighters-inspired costume. The third button was another character not from the comic."
    Kitty Cat Seven

    (4) (6) (8) (10) (X)

    "I'm not sure I want to know the answer to this, but..."

    Full Name: Kitty Cat Seven
    Preferred Outfit: Babydoll T-shirt,
    blue pleated skirt, goggles (on forehead),
    blue Converse shoes, blue ribbon on tail.

    Kitty is fairly reserved, except among her
    friends and in class. She likes to be the voice
    of reason, but isn't always very good at it and
    often settles for being the voice of sarcasm. She
    tends to think of herself as plain and dull, but in
    reality she's pretty cute and has a good sense of
    humor. She lives with her family, including a younger
    sister (named Princess) and a small army of plushies.

    Over the summer Kitty took a nasty blow to the head
    and for a while had the personality of Kurumi, a
    cheerful 10-year-old bunny girl (who could only speak
    in Japanese when she's upset). Returning to normal
    involved a big epiphany, but the only notable change
    seems to be that she got a new haircut.

    Sylvia Branham

    (6) (6) (6) (X) (X)

    Full Name: Sylvia Chartreuse Branham
    Preferred Outfit: Long coat, choker, button-up shirt, slacks, boots. All very black.Sylvia can be lazy in the extreme, and rarely makes any attempt to control her fluctuating emotions, but she's also a talented artist and has a lot of common sense. Her family's kind of messed up and she's wound up giving her younger stepbrother a well-deserved beatdown more than once.
    Magical Witch Critical Miss

    (6) (10) (10) (20) (X?)