Button Men Originals

    From Buttonmen Wiki

    Button Men Originals is a deck of 55 cards with reprints of the first Button Men sets released and a few promotional cards. The cards are a smaller size than the previously released Fight City (Beat People Up) set. When asked during a playthrough of Fish Cook on the Greater Than Games Twitch stream, James Ernest said the size difference was irrelevant, as the cards were not intended to be shuffled.[1]


    The promotional cards included are Dr. Lucky (from the DriveThru Cards exclusive expansion), Changeling (from the Soldiers rares), Tsusuko (from the Samurai rares), and Bobby, Felicia, Lady B, and Rider from the Fight City (Beat People Up) expansion.

    The expansions included in the deck are Soldiers, BROM, Fantasy, Vampyres, and Samurai expansions.

    On the Twitch stream, James indicated that no future Button Men releases were planned after this deck.

    Please note this is a commercially available product and as such the characters' stats will not be listed (other than the Fight City rares, which are listed on the Fight City page).

    References[edit | edit source]