
    From Buttonmen Wiki
    Abe Caine.jpeg

    Set Size: 1 Button
    Publisher: I-Con
    Designers: James Ernest
    Artist: Brent Chumley

    Abe Caine is a button released in conjunction with the first annual I-Con fantasy, sci-fi, and gaming convention in Springfield, Illinois. The button is based on the artwork for the program cover.[1] It was illustrated by Brent Chumley and with graphic design by David Hanson, who also is responsible for the Chicagoland Apples to Apples set. The button's stats were provided by James Ernest.

    Mr. Chumley gave some more details about the painting.

    I am aware of the Button Men that were made from my Abe Caine painting. The painting was inspired by the fact that I-Con was in Springfield, IL. Abe Lincoln is special to Illinois and Springfield particularly. I wanted to incorporate some kind of gaming/fantasy/sci-fi/horror theme for the custom art, so I painted Abe to be a vampire and my convention badge was like a holy symbol warding him off!

    According to David Hanson:

    I got permission from James Ernest to do some Button Men for local conventions. He then gave me recipes & I had the appropriate artists create them to be included with convention books. ICon in Springfield had Abe Caine, Chicagoland Gamers Conclave had Red then Green Apples to Apples by John Kovalic. I wanted to have the Capricorn Goat for Capricon with art by Phil &/or Kaja Folgio, but the con com didn't think it was appropriate for their Fun & Games theme where Phil, Kaja & James were all attending as guests! As I had a game shop & relations with game manufacturers, I thought it would be a neat thing to do. Since James was the Guest of Honor, I also wanted to put Cheapass Games out around the con for folks to play. I had a dealer table & sold lots of them. Unfortunately the con chair didn't want to be a "gaming con." Her idea was tick tac toe & tiddlywinks.

    Buttons[edit | edit source]