Scott Pilgrim

    From Buttonmen Wiki
    Scott Pilgrim Button Men back image

    The Scott Pilgrim set is a fan set by BoardGameGeek user Madmarshman based on the comic book series of the same name.

    When asked about the creation of the set, Madmarshman said the following:

    There are a few reasons I built this set, one is because I'm a Scott Pilgrim fan, two I have recently got into Print and Play games, I've been crafting D&D terrain, minis, etc. for years, but never board and card games. I saw a Scott Pilgrim build of the card game Friday, so when someone suggested "Button Men" as a two player game for myself and my girlfriend, I knew straight away what I wanted to do with it. I could've made cards, but I wanted them to look more like the original buttons. Reason three was to learn more about Adobe Illustrator. I wanted to make an adjustable, editable vector based template, which I did.

    I initially used the dice combos from existing characters as I have little experience with the game and thought it was safer that way. I made them using a vector based template, so I could change them to be a unique set without too much trouble.

    Buttons[edit | edit source]