On January 19, 2022, the website went down alongside all Cheapass Games content at, including the print-and-play files for Button Men and all other Cheapass games. The following articles were retrieved from the Wayback Machine archive of the strategy articles posted at and All of these articles were written in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
- The Highest Lower Number by James Ernest and Glen Barnett
- Button Men Theory by Simon McGregor
- So You Wanna Play Iago by James Ernest and Glen Barnett
- Basic Swing Dice Theory by James Ernest
- A Little More Swing Die Theory by Ryan Keane
- Speed Dice Countering Strategies by Rick Healey
- Twin Dice Versus Standard Dice? by Ryan McGuire
- Even More Button Men Theory by James Ernest and Rick Healey
- Trip Dice and Shadow Dice by Joe Kisenwether (co-designer of the Freaks and Fantasy Button Men sets
- More Shadow Dice Thoughts by Michael Martin
- Odd Dice Math by Ryan Keane
There are also some locally-written pages about strategy on this wiki: